Christmas Timesheet Submissions


Arrangements for submission of timesheets and pay over the festive period are as follows:

On Monday 14th December 2020, timesheets submissions should be sent in using the normal cutoff of 9am at the latest and your pay will reach your bank account on Friday 18th December 2019.

The next submissions will follow the pattern of;

– Sunday 20th December 2020, timesheets submissions should be sent in by 00.00 at the latest and we are aiming for payment to reach your account on Thursday 24th December – depending on the volume of timesheets that are submitted, if we cannot make the payment on Thursday 24th, your pay will reach your bank account on Wednesday 30th December. PS Recruitment will advise you of the payment date during the course of the week commencing Monday 21st December.

– Sunday 27th December 2020, timesheets submissions should be sent in by 00.00 at the latest with the payment reaching your bank account on Wednesday 6th January 2021.

The next submission date after this will be as normal on Monday 4th January 2020, no later than 9am. This payment will then reach your bank account on Friday 8th January 2020.

Holiday Pay Requests

The last date of 2020 to put in a request to receive your holiday pay will be Monday 14th December by 9am. ANY REQUESTS RECEIVED AFTER THIS TIME WILL NOT BE PROCESSED. You are more than welcome to make a request on the 14th to schedule for a payment to be received on the 18th December, 24th(depending on date payroll is completed) or 30th December and 6th January 2021.

The next date that you can submit a new holiday pay request will be on Monday 11th January 2021.

If you have any queries regarding any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact P. S. Recruitment on the usual number.

Moving on to a lighter festive note, The Team at P. S. Recruitment would like to wish “You and Yours”, “A Very Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year”.

Thank you to all for your hard work during the past year. Here’s to 2021!